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Backrooms Wiki

Threat Index: Class 1
»⠀Minimal Entity Count

Level 1 is the 2nd level of the Backrooms, and one of the only levels wanderers can enter directly through The Frontrooms.

General Description

Level 1

The most iconic image of Level 1.

Level 1

Level 1 resembles a typical warehouse, with fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling, occasional machinery such as forklifts and hallways and stairwells which peel off and lead to separate areas of the level. Oftentimes puddles on the floor comprised of Almond Water will evaporate and condense into a thick fog, reducing visibility for wanderers who traverse through these parts; curiously, these puddles never seem to fully evaporate, and remain permanently. Level 1 has a consistent and reliable source of electricity, both to the lights and to various outlets on the walls which help many groups to survive. Due to the ease of reaching this level, many wanderers opt to either join or form a group to ensure their survival.

This level contains various dangers that may pose a threat to wanderers. Examples include blackouts which occur within this level and last from minutes to even days, leaving the level without light. During such blackouts, entire sections of the level will be plunged into complete darkness, allowing entities to emerge and hunt more successfully. When traversing darker areas, it is advised for wanderers to carry flashlights so as to scare off any unwanted encounters. Additionally, pieces of rebar or sharp metal may occasionally jut out from walls, harming any wanderers who are not careful. Due to the fact that most of these metal pieces are coated in a thick layer of rust, wanderers will almost definitely contract tetanus should it pierce the skin.

The room temperature of this level is quite high, sitting at roughly 30 to 35 degrees Celsius (86 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) on average, however it has been noted to drop down significantly within the foggy areas. This level is roughly the same size as Level 0 and possesses non-Euclidean properties which make traversing difficult at times. Occasionally, crates filled with supplies such as Almond Water, canned food and weapons can be found scattered around, spawning and disappearing at irregular intervals which can aid wanderers in their journey. However, there is a chance for these crates to be simply filled with Liquid Pain, though the reason for this is unknown. Lastly, there are several special areas within Level 1 which are quite different in appearance and properties.

Unique Areas

Below are the listed areas discovered within Level 1.

Maintenance Halls

Level 1 Hallway

An image of a maintenance hall.

Level 1 Hallway

Maintenance halls can be accessed by a jet black, metallic door within the main section of Level 1. The walls of these hallways replace the usual grey concrete for white walls, which may seem bright to many wanderers due to the contrast from the main area. Typically, objects such as plywood, toolboxes and even whole tables can be found littering the floor. Fewer entities tend to reside in these halls compared to the main area.

These halls also usually contain items such as exposed wiring, faulty pipes leaking Almond Water and power boxes. Although they do have electricity coursing through them, these power boxes do not actually supply the electricity to the rest of the level, and instead seem to have no real purpose. Due to all the dangers, it is not recommended to enter any of these halls. However, wanderers may want to stay here in the event a blackout occurs, as these hallways are always lit up, no matter what.

Parking Lots

Level 1 Rewrite

An image of a parking lot.

Level 1 Rewrite

Large, empty spaces often droused in dense fog span for miles—taking up a sizeable section of Level 1. Pipes, electrical outlets and electrical boxes are all quite common to come across when traversing these parking lots, yet it is to be noted that most of these either lack any electricity or are incredibly faulty—one should always be wary of that when operating such devices. However, even in the cases where they are powered by electricity, the exact source of which these devices run on remains unknown, albeit it is presumed that it manages to generate its own power through alien ways. When electricity does course through these outlets and boxes, however, the voltage is extremely high, reaching output readings of up to a gigawatt, how these devices handle such amounts of power is unknown.

These Parking Lots are inherently empty and can be accessed by simply ascending stairs found behind various doors within Level 1. However, groups may set up bases here, and hence wanderers should take caution to ensure they do not encounter a hostile group. Although the Parking Lots do indeed experience power outages as well, these are usually resolved within the hour, unlike the main section. Lastly, these Parking Lots have the potential to be the nest of various entities, hence wanderers must be cautious when exploring these areas.


Some entities which reside here are Facelings, Clumps, Hounds, Dullers and Deathmoths. However, there are two level-exclusive entities which reside in Level 1.

False Puddles

False Puddles are entities which disguise themselves as simply Almond Water puddles, however beneath the surface is a deep pit filled with sharp teeth. These entities are unable to move, and instead depend on unaware wanderers to fall into their trap. They have no true body and are essentially big mouths filled with teeth and Almond Water.

Although they are hard to find, there are ways to eliminate them once found. One way is to pour Liquid Pain into the puddle, which will harm them, and they will close their mouths. Another way is to throw items such as metal into their mouths to cause them to close, and the metal may pierce their mouth lining and subsequently bleed them to death. However, find such puddle is already a challenge within itself, considering how many regular puddles are present within Level 1, requiring a lot of supplies to truly make sure a single area is safe.


Poorly drawn paintings and other drawings occasionally line the walls of these warehouses, most commonly found in the long yet empty maintenance halls. Sometimes having elegant canvas frames, other times being coarse pieces of paper, hung on the wall with string and rough nails hammered into the brick wall. These Paintings can not only be found on the walls, but rarely also on the floor or on the ceiling, frequently possessing ladders or ropes for accessibility in the latter case.

These paintings and drawings are to be avoided when possible, as, in actuality, most of these supposed paintings are living entities. This doesn't apply in all cases, but every drawing where organisms are shown should be avoided if possible, as those most likely pose a threat to one's own safety. These beings could possibly reach out from their respective illustrations and clutch any nearby wanderer, dragging them into the painting. What exactly happens afterwards is unknown; however, it is assumed that these paintings share behavioural patterns with Predatory Windows, and henceforth act in a similar way. There's also a possibility of said wanderer being represented in the drawing itself, as several of them show humanoids in distress who, however, seem to be entirely unresponsive; yet again, this is only theorised.

While this isn't necessarily always the case, in most cases, these drawings pose a great threat to wanderers that are new in this unfamiliar environment, especially when in a rush or in darker areas, where one may not anticipate an attack. The paintings and drawings vary in their pictorial context; some may be crude drawings, while others may express prodigious portraits from seemingly hundreds of years ago. Despite this, the contents of each artwork do not correspond with anything found in The Frontrooms, meaning that these entities—perhaps even Level 1 itself—are likely to be the perpetrators behind the art itself, as it is entirely unique from actual portraits. Unnervingly, there have been rare accounts of the eyes of certain portraits moving and even the entity itself moving erratically on occasions.

Additional Information

A seemingly nonsensical string of letters was recently found written on a wall with an unknown substance. The letters will be provided below, and the M.E.G. urge any wanderers who can decipher this code to tell us its meaning.


Additionally, a note was found on the floor within a Maintenance Hall, with the words being written in fading black marker.

Day 5

Still stuck in this hellhole. I've gotten out of those yellow rooms, but now I'm in a... warehouse? It's strange, to say the least. No one is here, it's so empty. Might walk around, explore a little. My marker is fading, so I'll be writing lesser from now on.

Update: I found a crate, but it was full of this black, foul-smelling liquid. Yeah, I'm not touching this.

Day 8

The lights just went out. I hear something in the dark, gonna try to take shelter in a hallway. This place is crazy, I saw some paintings but... their eyes were tracking my movements.

Oh, fuck. I saw something with glowing eyes in the dark. It had... five eyes? What? Whatever, this place doesn't make sense anyway.

Day 9

That... thing with the five eyes saved me. Killed a dog-looking creature while it was sneaking up behind me in the dark. It looked at me, and just left. I have NO idea what that thing is, but I'm honestly grateful. I think I found an exit, so I'll leave.

It is unknown what this entity mentioned within the note is exactly, however further investigations of Level 1 have been fruitless.

Outposts, Bases and Colonies

There are many groups and bases due to the safety of Level 1 compared to most other levels, however only the major ones shall be listed down.

Backroom Colonists Base Blink

  • Owned by the Backroom Colonists.
  • Friendly and open to trade.
  • Population ranging from 30 to 60, depending on the number of people stationed there at any given moment.
  • Often interacts with other friendly groups in the level.

The Raiders

  • Recently discovered with a rough count of 78 members.
  • They are mostly friendly with regular wanderers and are willing to trade but will shoot down members of certain groups.
  • Often hoards supplies.
  • Promise to take down all the big groups within the Backrooms to get rid of capitalism.
  • Base has fallen, no survivors.

Cultus Sancti

  • Comprises of roughly 50 members.
  • Eliminated The Raiders to "appease the holy one".
  • Sacrificial.
  • Hostile to all who are not in their cult.

M.E.G. Base First Light

  • Has a member count of 60.
  • Guides lost wanderers to safer areas.
  • Open to trade.
Entrances and Exits

A plethora of entrances and exits have been discovered, however only the ones which are the easiest to access will be listed.


  • Opening doors in many levels has a small chance of leading to the level.
  • Wanderers are able to enter this level from Level 0 by walking up a flight of stairs.
  • Unstable flooring in Level 13 indicated by visible, odd textures the floor possesses may lead wanderers to this level if they can no-clip through it.
  • People may occasionally no-clip to this level from The Frontrooms instead of Level 0.


  • Wanderers can exit Level 1 by simply continuing to explore, as it usually leads to Level 2 or back to Level 0 via staircases or hallways.
  • An unlocked door may lead to Level 2.
  • The Hub can be accessed from this level by walking up two flights of stairs and then immediately walking back down. Due to the non-Euclidean properties, wanderers will then be met with a split passage. Wanderers must take the left hallway, then proceed with the right one. After doing so, they will come across a door labelled "A" and one labelled "B". Enter the "B" door, then the "A" door on the other side.
  • No-clipping through walls that have outlets may lead to Level 188.

> Open Author and Licensing Credits
> Close Author and Licensing Credits

Level 1 rewritten by VerySpecific and 20Tom07.
The old version can be found here.
First image is taken from SunCon Photos and licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Second image is taken from The Municipal Archives of Trondheim and licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Third image is the personal photography of Dino and used with their permission.
P.s. if you actually took the time to open this, run the string of letters through a permutation cipher, then a Caesar cipher with a four shift. Not gonna tell you the key for the perm, but yeah.
