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Survival Difficulty: Class 0
»⠀Devoid of Life

Level 44 is the 45th level of the Backrooms.

Iceways 1

An image of Level 44.

Iceways 1


Level 44, often referred to as the “Iceways”, is a seemingly endless series of tight, interconnected tunnels and rooms composed entirely of ice. Although the tunnels vary in length, all have an eerily perfect cylindrical shape with near-identical dimensions. In addition, the walls are extremely smooth, with very few cuts and scratches. The only variety to this pattern can be found in what has been termed “rooms” — areas larger than a tunnel in size, ranging from wider sections of tunnels to massive chambers tens of feet in height — constructed out of the same ice as the tunnels.[1]

The ice that makes up the entirety of Level 44 varies moderately in color, typically always being a shade of blue-green, similar to ice in the Frontrooms. Its rather high reflectivity enables one to see far down the tunnels, despite the lack of an apparent light source. Due to the cylindrical shape of the tunnels and the slipperiness of the ice, it is somewhat difficult to travel for prolonged distances in Level 44. It is unknown what lies beyond the ice; due to its unexpected and seemingly anomalous toughness, it is quite tough to chip away. However, current evidence suggests that the tunnel system was carved within, not constructed from, ice — that the entire level was built within a presumably endless block of ice.

Iceways 4


Iceways 4

Oftentimes, one may find a tunnel that is blocked, either completely or partially, by large chunks of frozen snow or ice. Although it is often believed that, in these instances, the “roof” of the tunnel simply collapsed, the dispersion of the snow would not suggest such a collapse, nor have there been any resulting pieces of ice that have fallen from the tunnel's roof.

Although most of the tunnels in Level 44 are either completely flat or lack a noticeable grade, there are those that have an obvious, even sharp, incline or decline which leads to more mazes of tunnels. It should be noted that, due to the extreme size of the level and how easily one area can resemble another, it is infeasible to create a definitive map of it or to know with certainty that such areas do not shift in layout. This difficulty is further compounded by the slippery nature of the ice; due to the difficulty of exploring the upwardly sloped tunnels, the “upper areas” have been barely explored, if at all.

Iceways 3

The deep ice.

Iceways 3

The further one descends into Level 44, the darker the level becomes; the ice gradually becomes more cloudy, eventually becoming a completely opaque light-blue color. Furthermore, the layout of the tunnels alters, becoming more disorderly and chaotic, with some intersecting at extremely sharp angles, and others coalescing into one small area. All of these factors combine to make the “lower areas” quite easy to get lost in.


There are no recorded entities present in Level 44, and little to suggest their presence. Although many have reported faint tapping sounds originating from the walls resembling the sound of humans knocking on wood, a source for these sounds has yet to be found. Indeed, many of the sounds seem to come from behind walls which, upon investigation, are incredibly thick.

Colonies and Outposts[]

Due to the endless and confusing nature of Level 44, coupled with the difficulty of navigating its tunnels, no colonies or outposts have ever been established in it to the M.E.G.’s knowledge.

Iceways 2

The multicolored iceway.

Iceways 2

Entrances and Exits[]


  • Many doors within the Backrooms seem to have a chance to lead to Level 44. Upon passing through them and closing them, they will disappear once the user looks away. As of this writing, there is no way to know which doors lead to the Iceways.
  • Finding an ice tunnel resembling those of Level 44 in Level 202.1 and going through it will lead one here, with the entrance being replaced with more of Level 44 as soon as one looks away.
  • One wanderer reported falling into a hole in the ground in Level 202 and ending up in Level 44, though this remains unconfirmed and is likely false.
  • Noclipping through a blockage of snow in the Halls of Hounds in Level -560 will send one to Level 44.
  • Noclipping through an ice blockage on Level 38.1 will send one to Level 44.
  • Frozing in Level 963 will lead to Level 44.


  • It has been reported at times that, if one follows the sound of dripping water, they will enter Level 30 or Level 37.
  • If one is in the “lower levels” without a light source, there is a chance that they will, without their knowledge, enter Level 6.


  1. Notably, while these rooms are substantially larger than the tunnels, they are extremely rare to come across.
