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Backrooms Wiki


Survival Difficulty: Class 3
»⠀Moderate Entity Count

Level 49 is the 50th level of the Backrooms.


J00-01An image of a waterfall in Level 49.

Level 49 consists of an infinitely wide arrangement of interconnected tunnels and distinguished rooms that are dimly lit, with a variety of aspects and forms taking place in a sewer system; some rooms are a disposal for waste, others can be waterfalls flowing with indecent liquids and rubbish matters. These accustomed tunnels are constantly streaming the nasty and unfiltered water throughout the entire level; one were to have their feet often submerged within the disturbing liquid most of their time in the level.

The architecture of the level, particularly the tunnels are made up of oily and fractured bricks and concrete, a portion are infested with mosses and dangling vines. Few of these channels can lead to compartments that are dug out, containing tiny abandoned pockets intact with equipment; from there one can find vital tools, gears and integral supplies for survival. The moist environments can reach at humid levels of temperature, ranging from 70°F (21°C) to 105°F (40°C) at higher heights; lower heights temperature settles at a maximum 110°F (43°C.)

The waters conditions as obvious in the situation of sewers, possesses a multitude of bacteria and vulnerability for diseases to occupy. This wastewater has a small population by the Hydrolitis Plague; a disease that resides in uncleansed liquid substances, especially poolrooms, and is transferred to a person via inhaling particles. The Hydrolitis Plague lives in waters inside of misty and soggy habitats that carry abysmal odors, being easy for anyone with that knowledge to avoid infection. The pressure of the waters are extremely dense and include heavy measures, making it difficult for one to traverse through the sewers, especially if encountering dangerous entities.

D9996d99f35e7177146c64cd3e6bae63A tunnel flowing with wastewater.

It is unknown where the water is rooted from, the point of origination is so high up that one could not possibly reach it even with proper equipment. Wanderers had theorized a large body of water is present at the highest point of the level; a body of water possessing a size similar to Level 7 might be present, though the building material(bricks and concrete) of the level is constructed out of does not have the required strength to contain such heavy weight of the water.


Entities have been reported to inhabit at lower depths of the level; Facelings, Hounds, Smilers, Hunchbacks, the Hydrolitis Plague, and Deathmoths are scattered underneath inferior altitudes, while the quantity gradually increases the deeper one were to go. Any wanderer can still come across an entity even at higher areas, but the entity count is more greater further down the level one can reach, as this is when it becomes unsuitable.

Colonies & Outposts

Due to the level's speculated immense size, contact with other wanderers(humans) could quite possibly take years, or even lifetimes. Nevertheless, 2 groups had been discovered to permanently inhabit the level being:

M.E.G. - Base Gutter

A group settled by the big community M.E.G. consisting of 88 people residing in an empty dry room which resembles one of the rooms possessing a waterfall, though without the waterfall present. Most information written and present in this page originated from them, as they are presumably the first group to had been established in the level.

Unknown Name

The group's official name is unknown, however, they had referred to themselves as "The Scientists" in the past. The group had successfully constructed a reservoir of clean drinkable water in the level by undetermined means, though it is thought usage of a water filter granted them the chance to construct such massive reservoir inside a level possessing undrinkable and hazardous water.

Entrances & Exits

19f840d7b6671a2cbc4756caeeb641f3A presumed exit of Level 49, consisting a staircase submerged by a flood of wastewater.


  • Finding a sewer system in Level 45 will lead one here.
  • Sinking through quicksand in Level 46 will transition to one falling from the ceiling before suffocation becomes deadly.
  • Specific areas in Level 3 can lead one to this level when least expected; a key is by listening for the strong sound of flowing water.
  • Entering a randomly found metal trap door in Level 48 leads here.
  • Noclipping through a manhole in Level 603 will send one here.
  • Large pipes in Level 37.9 may lead here.
  • A metal door that is located on the wall of Level 333 might lead one to Level 49. The door is locked and requires a code to open. The code is displayed on one of the monitors in The Control Room.


  • Find an old rubble tunnel, then continue your walk through the crumbling gate where you see a mountainous landscape. When you get outside, you'll be back in a bunker of Level 35.1 and the tunnel will have vanished.
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Authors: YourImpendingDoom and SherlsF.
Images & Licenses: All compliant by CC-BY-SA. Links to the photos are in their descriptions.
If you make a documentary or video about this level, please credit me.
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