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Entity 33, AKA The King of Normality, is a powerful entity of contradicting nature. To some, he is seen as a great hero. For others, he is a sly trickster. For most, however, he is but an ordinary person. There are conflicting accounts regarding the appearance and personality of the entity, suggesting that he never stays the same, and is ever-changing. This makes him a dangerously unpredictable entity.
The King of Normality can transform into any humanoid being within the Backrooms, but on most occasions, the King of Normality appears as an ordinary wanderer, dressed in a black suit with a red tie and fedora. His face and general physique seems to shift around, though his attire always remains the same. His true form, however, is revealed when he sheds the disguise. Though still humanoid, his entire body is pitch black with glowing white cracks. His sleeves are surrounded by yellow rings, which he calls his "Abnormalities". These rings are sharp enough to decapitate a being. He possesses a large singular eye with a bright pupil. The King of Normality only reveals his true form if the situation forces him to.
The King of Normality has displayed the ability to travel between levels at will, which aligns with his supposed claim to be "a traveler between worlds". Apparently, he can stabilize whatever location that he resides in, but typically limits himself to a single level, or at least a portion of said level. Wanderers often notice him more easily in dangerous levels, due to the contrast of his presence against the rest of the location. If you find yourself in a room that is unusually normal to the point of impossibility, then it is likely a domain of the king. His room often contains other wanderers and "normalized" entities that are docile under his power, similar to the influence of the Snackrooms. This ability may not be visible when he's in a safe level, but he can turn it on anytime whenever he deems fit, or whenever the situation calls for normalcy. Due to this, the king often be involved in chaotic conflict as a mediator and stabilizer, keeping the level in balance.
Another ability of the entity is the creation of weapons, and it is unknown how he achieves this feat. His signature weapon is a spear which he calls the "Abnormal Slasher", and he uses it to slice entities who least expect it. He is said to slay entities across the Backrooms with this, and he was spotted in Level 1 while committing the act.
He also has mysterious jars of "Normality", which he consumes to keep himself stable. If he is deprived of this substance long enough, he will turn berserk and go on a killing spree. The "Normality" substance is still being tested, as it may have anomalous properties. It is believed to be connected to his normalization abilities.
The King of Normality is a mystery at best, as all testimony from him may be untrue due to his tendency to lie. The fact that he often disguises himself might suggest that he's not as normal as he tries to present himself. Despite the façade of normalcy, the entity is not a manipulator, and it's implied that he simply seeks a peaceful, ordinary life. This suggests that the entity wishes to be a simple wanderer, or perhaps there may a more sinister motivation behind his actions.
How he acts depends on his given form. When disguised as a wanderer, he is friendly and casual. The more his "normalcy" is removed, the more "abnormal" he becomes, to an extent that is both violent and disturbing. Regardless, he does seem to hold certain moral values, as he has befriended many wanderers and even entities. He shows a great desire to eventually "normalize" the entirety of The Backrooms, removing all hostile influences from it.
The King of Normality is very deceptive, however, always obscuring his true nature and origins with lies upon lies. Yet there still remain minor grains of truth sprinkled in, to create further confusion. When asked about his parents, he claimed to have had none, supposedly being his "own parent."
Regardless of his true origins, it is strongly apparent that he wishes to be normal, and so he pretends to be a wanderer to hide away his "hideous" nature. Still, he has feelings too, and he wants others to treat him like he's normal. It is therefore advised to treat him with the utmost respect.
The biology of the King of Normality still remains a mystery, but he states that he doesn't require food or drink for sustenance. In his human form, he behaves like a human wanderer, with all their limitations and needs. His true form lacks biological features, however. He states that he was created by "pure energy", but this is believed to be a lie.
An analysis of the King of Normality's physiology and power may be divided across his two forms:
Human Form[]
- Strength: Able to punch through or damage armored vehicles.
- Durability: Tough enough to withstand some lighter caliber of firearms.
- Mobility: He move like an average person, but still faster than usual.
- Flexibility: Can crack his knuckles and turn his head approximately 95 degrees.
- Abilities: In this form, his can only normalize his surroundings and transform into other humanoid beings.
True Form[]
- Strength: Can easily break through boulders even with a mere touch.
- Durability: Stronger than a battleship.
- Mobility: Extremely fast, and able to outrun even fighter jets.
- Flexibility: Can twist and detach his body parts as shapeshifting weapons.
- Abilities: Stabilize a whole level, traveling through reality, and object creations.
Relation to entities[]
Usually, the King of Normality will not attack entities on sight, and only does so if provoked. However, he will not hesitate to attack if an entity harms a wanderer. Below is an analysis of his behavior towards specific entities, based on observations.
- Counter Entities: He tends to treat them like regular people.
- The Wanderer/Gary: He despises him but he knows the truth about his motives.
- Castolossus: He frequently talks to it and is allegedly friends with it, but he denies any relations with the entity.
- The Great Wall Of REDACTED: He idolizes it and sees it as a living legend.
Author: NormalDudeWithaNormalLife Rework: CrimsonFenrir7, Mctoran