> Description
The Void is an ephemeral, transitory space temporarily accessible during the process of noclipping. It is speculated to be the space "in-between" all levels of the Backrooms, though this theory is shaky at best. It appears to be boundless in scale, lacking any visible spatial borders. It is completely lightless and empty, lacking any visual or auditory indicators of one's location in its space. One is completely isolated and alone in The Void; it is currently unknown if it is statistically improbable to encounter other wanderers within due to its sheer scale, or if every being experiences their own — identically empty — reality.
The current accepted theory of noclipping — a means of temporal phasing that allows one to bypass the normal boundaries of spatial reality, and in some cases the laws of physics — states that the maneuver functions via exploiting unstable sections of matter, especially in levels that are particularly volatile. This instability causes small sections of surfaces to temporarily lose their physical boundaries, allowing objects and organisms to pass through them unimpeded, albeit for a small window of time. In most cases, successfully noclipping allows one to pass through said surface, thereby "clipping" them into another level. During this process, one will temporarily experience a period of darkness, accompanied by a falling sensation; reportedly, the period of time this occurrence lasts ranges from instantaneous to three-to-four seconds at most.
When this process was first discovered and properly standardized under the title of "noclipping", no explanation could be given pertaining to the small portion of wanderers that would go missing entirely after clipping through a surface; prior to a few missing individuals that eventually returned from these disappearances, it was not known where those who vanished would end up, or what became of them afterward. From the collective experiences of those who eventually returned, however, it was understood that the "period of darkness" that occurred while noclipping was, in actuality, an empty, extraspatial plane "in-between" levels. Those who did not return after clipping through a surface likely did not gain enough momentum to travel from The Void to their intended location, thus continuing to fall without end.
The explanation as to how exactly one would manage to exit this location and return to stable reality remains divisive; all individuals who have returned after differing periods of falling through The Void — reportedly lasting from a period of multiple hours up to self-described "eons" — all claim that they simply "fell into" another level from above. The possibility that all levels of the Backrooms are located somewhere in The Void, anomalously remaining afloat in the empty abyss, would disprove the common notion that they are all located in different planes of reality, and are instead located at a measurable distance from one another, negating much of the currently-known information regarding interspatial travel within the Backrooms. In addition to serving as a means of interlevel travel, it is speculated that noclipping through solid surfaces may act as a viable — albeit temporary and localized — source of energy.
Depending on the initial conditions involved in performing a successful noclip, the correct method of phasing through a solid surface can often be difficult to discern, requiring prior knowledge of one's intended exit point to properly time the jump and its angle. Furthermore, it is unknown how long a clip remains stable in relation to the effects it has on space; various instances have been observed in which a wanderer had severely misjudged their timing, prematurely ending the temporary intangibility, leaving them "attached" to the surface, or even separating the wanderer into multiple sections. However, due to recently-established safety specifications and guidelines, this danger has largely been rendered obsolete, with those performing it incorrectly instead landing in a level far from their intended destination.
> The Call of The Void
The Void is beautiful, constant — complete. If there were to be such an idea as the purest thing in existence, it would surely fulfill that description. Free of corruption, falsehoods, instability — it does not change in the slightest from its boundless form. Such a freeing, mind-opening experience, falling through that lightless realm is. It is consistent in its lack of qualities, lasting as an unending island of peace in an ocean of chaos and disorder. Frankly, I was fearful when I fell; slipping through the ground only to continue falling through a chasm of nothingness is, admittedly, a jarring experience, but after relative eons of floating through its blind depths, I could not help but become aware of how foolish I once was. The Void is a gift — a wonderful, unending paradise vaguely reminiscent of one's prenatal experience. The Void exists as an idea; as a thoughtless body, it cannot be truly described or categorized beyond its lack of attributes. The innate truths behind it all were revealed to me — my path to enlightenment.
Sitting on the edge of eternity, I saw nothing, and it was everything to me. I would look at The Void and become The Void. It became every particle of my being. The concept of “I” was little more than a mere construct of my mind. As far as I knew, I had dissolved into nothingness, as did the concept of time. My soul intermingled with The Void, as I was the only individual to exist in that entire plane of existence. It was ecstasy. I wanted to fall forever. I did not die, as my soul could not find any place to go. I was so afraid of something coming "after" for me, an interruption to my unending peace. I could not have been more saddened and hopeless when I looked down to see the yellow-tinted environment of The Lobby rapidly approaching from below me. I never wished to leave; having been forced to, however, I now see it as my sole duty to inform others of the permanent, everlasting beauty of The Void, in the hopes that one may experience the nirvana I once did.
Levels | Sublimity │ Concrete Jungle │ Interrogative Infohazard │ The Centrifuge |
Entities | The Cameraman |
Tales | The Kauer Thesis |
Guides | Survival Difficulty Guide │ Wikitext Guide │ List of Canons │ Entity Writing Guide │ Frequently Asked Questions |